Typing Old Turkic

Keyboard layouts

To use Old Turkic script in your computer, you can download packages for your operation system below. Packages are slightly outdated, but still should work fine. If you are using Linux and not comfortable replacing system files, just copy the relevant section containing the keyboard layout from the file contents. You probably (should) know how to do that already, and don’t forget to back up the files you are modifying in case something goes wrong.

For installing instructions, please refer to the README files inside the bundles.

Updated 2020/09/14

Old Turkic typefaces

Additional notes

As of this date, all major operating systems include built-in support for viewing Old Turkic script. Windows 8, and macOS 10.11 onward include necessary fonts to correctly display Old Turkic text. If your Linux distribution-of-choice does not include an Old Turkic font by default, Noto Fonts are probably available through your distribution’s package manager, check there first.

If you are having issues with displaying Old Turkic text in your browser, make sure that you are using the latest version of Firefox or Safari. Do not use Chrome – it’s spyware! Edge is also not 100% clean, but it is a good-performing browser under Windows.